ENT Surgical Microscope
Microscopic examination of the outer ear and ear canal to make sure there are no abnormalities, or wax – if there’s wax, we will remove it on the spot at half the normal price.
Advanced immittance testing (tympanometry, acoustic reflex, Eustachian Tube dysfunctionality)
The application of positive and negative pressures in the ear canal via a probe tip to check the ear drum’s mobility.
Advanced immittance testing (tympanometry, acoustic reflex, Eustachian Tube dysfunctionality)
Measures the functionality of the middle ear, looking for issues such as fluid or ossicular discontinuity.
Advanced immittance testing (tympanometry, acoustic reflex, Eustachian Tube dysfunctionality)
To assess how the Eustachian Tube is functioning, e.g. pressure equalisation (ear popping).
Pure Tone Audiogram
This test identifies the quietest tones that you can hear (‘hearing thresholds’). It is conducted in a soundproofed booth to ensure the accuracy of your hearing ability without interference from external noise. We can determine from the results of this test if the hearing impairment is either conductive (outer or middle ear related) or sensorineural (inner ear related).
Otoacoustic emissions test
Measures cochlear outer hair cell function (inner ear) – the cochlear is the organ responsible for converting sound waves into electrical impulses. This is an objective measurement, because the cochlear hair cells deteriorate over time and can be damaged or destroyed by loud noise, so their level of excitation in response to the stimulus of the otoacoustic emissions test provides an absolutely accurate reading of their strength. This objectivity is useful for all hearing test subjects, and especially for younger and older patients.
Extended high frequency hearing test
Particularly useful for musicians who want to test a much wider breadth of their frequency range (125Hz-20kHz), and not just the frequency ranges utilised for speech understanding (125Hz-8kHz). This test is also useful for the ototoxicity monitoring of certain drugs.
Speech-In-Noise testing
To understand how your ears perform in real life, because your world is not full of bells and whistles in a soundproofed booth! This test measures your ability to discriminate speech within background noise, providing us with data on your signal-to-noise ratio performance, your auditory attention and auditory working memory.